A CT New Year:
The Second Annual
"We Have No Life"
New Years Eve Bash
Wed Dec 31, 2003

Doc & Toryn in souvenir glasses

The day started oddly enough: coming in at 5:30am to put some finishing touches on Jupiter Station Simulation for the countdown part and running into trivia at the plaza.

Security Chief Fabricius hangs out with Cybertown's mascot Mina.
I ended up playing under an alternate nick for most of the day. Toryn and I met at 5pm to ring in the New Year with an Israeli acquaintance in my summer home, then returned to Cybertown for the UK countdown.

Happy Israeli sharing a milestone moment with visiting Cytonians

Toryn exercised her VRML expertise and supplied tacky touristy new year spectacles. The party hat didn't do anything for my hairline, but Toryn looked pretty good in one...

After such a hectic day, with Inner Realms' Rock Around the World trivia and celebration in the Plaza and Sci-Fi Colony's party at The Pool, I looked forward to the ole jello pool and close friends, just like last year's "We Have No Life" party.

L to R: New trivia rival GentleWoman, Toryn, me, and Seven relax in the Holoprogramming Center's corporate jello pool.

Most of my friends who RSVP'ed totally forgot about my invitation, but recent immigrant GentleWoman came by with a few others. I provided a link to streaming video of Times Square so they could follow the countdown while I watched on NY1.

The jello starts to heat up: GW, Spyfaerie of Singapore, me, Kuwlpapa, Toryn, and Jane of Norway
We ventured for a few minutes into City Plaza to join them in a delayed countdown (Cybertown's servers are lagged by a few minutes) and wish folks well. Then it was back to the Jupiter Station for virtual champagne and the jello pool. People making the rounds stopped in and more came to sit in the pool or pose for pictures. We counted down another two time zones before I called it a night and left the revelers to enjoy themselves.

Spyfaerie, GentleWoman, PrettiePaws, and Holodoc

I awoke at 5am and went to see the final hour of Rock Around the World, but it looked as though they finished early. After checking my inbox and such, I went back to sleep.

City Plaza at Midnight

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The graphics for this site are based on that of Cybertown, the format and layout mine. All screenshots are
property of HolodocDR unless credited otherwise, and may not be used without permission.